What is a TESOL Certification good for?
Unsure about your next steps in life? Want to work online and enjoy an international network of people? Enjoy being immersed in new cultures? Then gaining a TESOL certification might be the perfect idea for you. Millions of people worldwide have become TESOL qualified in order to travel, pay off debt, learn a new language or just tick some things off their bucket list. So, if you’re wondering what a TESOL qualification might be good for, we’ve made a list to let you know!
1. Earn money from home online
At the moment, teaching online is an extremely easy way to make money while being stuck at home. Online teaching companies from all over the world are just a click away with a TESOL certification in hand, giving you the perfect opportunity to get some teaching experience now and make some extra cash. Students can be found worldwide on hundreds of different platforms, so you won’t be short of options, and different companies pay different amounts depending on experience, nationality, English level and education. However, there is no need to worry as if one company doesn’t suit you, another will be waiting in the wings, with more online teaching companies popping up every day.

2. To learn a new language and make international friends
Do you have a passion for a language, but you just can’t seem to crack it without regular practice? Imagine how much you could improve your Spanish if you were teaching in Columbia. Or maybe you want to understand those K-Pop lyrics you’ve been mindlessly humming all week? Well, that could easily be a lesson topic that you. It’s a simple fact that when learning a language, practice makes perfect. What better way to do so than to actually live in the country? Being TESOL certified opens this and many other days for you to improve your skills in many different areas. Whether you wanted to fill your time learning the Tango in Argentina or improving your baking skills in France, being TESOL certified gives you the key to these countries. Making friends online and in person is made even more possible with a TESOL certification, whether you choose to move abroad or work online. You have the opportunity to meet and work with people from all over the world, broadening your horizons even from your laptop.

3. Saving
Can’t seem to escape money troubles? Or do you want to start building that nest egg you’ve been dreaming about? Why not try living somewhere cheaper for a while on a better wage? This can be a possibility if you’re TESOL certified. Depending on where you decide to go, teachers living in places like China or Thailand are able to save upwards of $500 a month and live more comfortably than they did in their home countries as well. There is no better way to get rid of credit card debt while still enjoying weekends away and delicious meals out. Or if you’re not looking to move right now but want the ability to make some extra cash from the comfort of your home, you can use your TESOL certificate to teach online. There are hundreds of online teaching companies right now desperate for TESOL certified teachers who want to make decent extra money on the side. Being TESOL qualified will also give you knowledge about the English language that you might not have had before, opening up doors to freelance lesson planning, private online clients wanting to improve their business English and so many more ways to make extra money.

4. Skills
If anything, the ability to teach English to speakers of a second language is just adding another string to your bow for employers at home and abroad. The more you have to offer and the more you have studied, the better you’re going to look to any employer and the ability to teach others shows leadership and managements skills that other courses simply cannot offer. With the TESOL certification, you’re not only taught about the English language, but also exactly how to explain and teach it to others in a constructive and effective way. These skills are sought after in any workplace around the world
5. Travel
Although travel may be far from your mind right now, it’s still a possibility in the future. So, if you want nothing more than to dive in caves in Mexico or explore rice paddies in Vietnam, then a TESOL certificate can get you more than halfway there. Teaching English to speakers of other languages is one of the best and easiest ways to see the world and immerse yourself in different cultures and experiences. In many countries it is impossible to teach without a TESOL qualification or equivalent, so getting qualified is your first and most essential step to starting your career teaching abroad. Teaching jobs are easily found online or in the country of your choice upon arrival. This means that, even if you aren’t sure about teaching before you decide to travel, you won’t be stuck running out of money in a foreign country if you’re TESOL qualified and ready to work. Teaching is often stated as being one of the most rewarding jobs that you can do as well and teaching abroad is no exception. You can expect lots of smiles, free time and (depending on where you are) plenty of cash. If you’d rather not be stuck in one place, you can always teach online! You can use your TESOL certificate to fund your travels while you jump from place to place with nothing but your bag and a laptop. So, if you’ve been sick of the view from your office window for a while, getting TESOL qualified could give you that push that you need to get moving and tick some locations off your bucket list. So, what are you waiting for? Whether you want to improve your skills set or simply make some extra cash, a TESOL qualification will do nothing but good for your future prospects and could even take you to places you hadn’t even dreamed of working your 9-5.